Importance of Obedience to Your Parents According To Islam
Parents are to be dealt with well at all times, and The Almighty's endowments in having empowered you to do this ethical demonstration, be considered as an extraordinary resource in this world and in addition in the Hereafter. Be thankful to your Parents. It is one of the cardinal standards of good behavior and the affirmation of obligation. One ought to be appreciative to the Parents for all the consideration, remarkable affection, and unparalleled penances they experience in conveying us up.The regard we should pay our guardians has been consistently accentuated in the Holy Qur'an. In one of the verses it is expressed: "Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and ye be kind to your parents." (Qur'an 17:23)
On the authority of Hazrat Abu Ayub Khalid Ibun Zaid Al-Ansari(R.A.), who said: A man asked for; "Prophet (S.A.W)! Let me know the activity which will get me admitted to Paradise and keep me far from the Hell." He replied: "Venerate Almighty and don't relate anyone with Him: set up Prayer; pay Zakat and join the ties of kinship." - (Bukhari and Muslim)
On the authority of Abu Sufian Sakhr Harb (R.A.), who said: During his meeting with Hercules, the Roman Ruler, the latter asked him; 'What does your Prophet (S.A.W.) request that you do?' I said: 'He requesting that we love one and only God, and not to partner anyone with him; not to take after the propensities and practices of our precursors; he further requests that we perform petitions to God (Salat), come clean, keep pure, and to treat our blood relations well.' - (Bukhari and Muslim)
Special Treatment for the Mother
One ought to have exceptional respect for his/her mom. The mother conveys the hatchling in her womb for nine months and after that supports the youngster with her milk. It is stated in the Holy Qur'an: "We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents: In pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth." (Qur'an 46:15)
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